Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation: Eswatini Breast and Cervical Cancer Network
The program aims to improve access to cancer care services using lung cancer support as leverage.
Pharma Company Foundation 1
Professional and Trade Associations 1
Hospitals Health Facilities 1
Local NGOs 1
- To raise awareness on prevention, causes and treatment of breast, cervical, lung, prostate and paediatric cancers among community members and key stakeholders.
- To empower Lutsango Women’s Regiment, nurses, head teachers, teachers, community leaders, and caregivers/parents to openly discuss and advocate reproductive health issues with adolescents, community leaders, policy makers and key stake holders within the target area.
- To provide timely (early) breast and cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and psychosocial support to eligible adolescent and women within the 3 years.
- Provide HPV vaccine to 1000 eligible adolescents aged 9-14 years from the Baylor Cohort by December 2022.
The project aims to enhance prevention, early detection, and management of cancers among women and promoting education among young girls and boys in Eswatini by empowering them to make health-enhancing decisions for healthy living.
Results and milestones
- Innovative awareness platforms: Clinic health talk, Prescriber’s meetings and CME sessions, Teen Health, Teen Club and Teen Mother Clubs, Sibancobi Camp
- One-on-One consultations
- School Health Program
- Community awareness/sensitization
- Accessible HPV vaccination Services: Daily facility-based vaccination services: Walk-ins, referred clients, eligible clients and their caregivers, integration of HPV vaccination into mainstream Clinic; Weekend Vaccination: Facility-based to target adolescents and eligible clients with work/school commitments during weekends;
- Active Pharmacovigilance: Identification, management, documentation and follow-up of clients with ADRs;
- Regular feedback meetings: On alternate weeks to keep the team updated and resolve problems;
Geographic Reach
- Africa
Disease Area
- Non-communicable diseases
Partner organizations
Pharma Company Foundation
Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation
Professional and Trade Associations
Eswatini Breast and Cervical Cancer Network
Hospitals Health Facilities
Bristol-Myers Squibb - Baylor Childrens Centre of Excellence in Swaziland
Local NGOs
Forum for African Women's Education Eswatini
Geographic Reach
- Swaziland
Disease Area
Non-communicable diseases
- Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Cervical Cancer
- Lung Cancer