
ChildSight Project

Provided eyesight treatment solutions to children in need in 22 secondary schools within the Son La region (Vietnam) in 2018-2019, and 18 secondary schools in the Tra Vinh region (Vietnam) in 2019-2020.
Local NGOs 1
Pharma Company Foundation 1
Government 1
Hospitals Health Facilities 4
  • Establish a sustainable system of visual acuity screenings in schools and provide affordable, quality eyeglasses to students in targeted schools.
  • Improve the ability of community and school health staff to identify, and refer students with eyesight problems.
  • Identify students with uncorrected refractive errors and provide free or subsidized eyeglasses.
  • Raise awareness among teachers, students, parents and the community of the importance of maintaining good vision.
  • Improve the ability of Son La Eye Hospital's and Tra Vinh CDC healthcare staff to provide high quality refractive and optical services.

The goal of this project was to provide eyesight treatment solutions to children in need in 22 schools within the Son La region and 18 schools in the Tra Vinh region. The treatments included providing necessary ophthalmology equipment and support to establish hospital and CDC shops; improve the capacity of ophthalmological human resources; conduct vision screenings; implement refraction; provide quality subsidized/free eyeglasses; counseling and support for referral; follow-up checking and implementing communication activities.

Results and milestones

10,220 students from the 22 schools were visually screened. Of these, 1,743 visually impaired children were referred by the eye care team at Son La Eye Hospital with the technical support of the VNIO and refractive experts. Of these students, 1,081 were diagnosed with a refractive error diagnosis that established the prevalence of refractive error at 11%. As a result, 643 students and teachers received quality subsidized eyeglasses. Children with other eye problems or severe refractive errors were referred to VNIO or Son La Eye Hospital for further tests.


  • In collaboration with the Department of Health and the Department of Education of the two Provinces, and with Son La Eye Hospital and the Tra Vinh CDC, evaluation visits were carried out to prepare for project approval and establish the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders. The capacities and equipment of hospital and CDC staff were assessed to ensure that project activities were implemented in accordance with the standards and requirements of our ChildSight® model.
  • In 2018-2019, five members of Son La Eye Hospital (2 ophthalmologists, 1 ophthalmology nurse, 1 ophthalmology laboratory technician and 1 orthoptist) were trained by the Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology (VNIO) in vision screening and pediatric eye care, including early diagnosis of basic eye diseases, referral and follow-up, while 44 school health staff were trained on vision screening and child eye care in general;
  • In 2019-2020, 2 basic ophthalmologists and 11 health staff in Tra Vinh CDC were trained on refraction at the Ho Chi Minh Eye hospital. 2 optic technicians of the Tra Vinh CDC attended a training course on making and grinding eyeglasses at the Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology. Finally, 37 school health workers were trained on vision screening and child eye care in general;
  • In 2018-2019, 10,220 students from the 22 schools were visually screened. Of these, 1,743 visually impaired children were referred by the eye care team at Son La Eye Hospital with the technical support of the VNIO and refractive experts. Of these students, 1,081 were diagnosed with a refractive error diagnosis, establishing the prevalence of refractive error at 11%. As a result, 643 students and teachers received quality subsidized eyeglasses. Children with other eye problems or severe refractive errors were referred to VNIO or Son La Eye Hospital for further tests;
  • In 2019-2020, 10,981 students had their vision screened. Among them, 2,505 with low vision were refracted and 1,664 were diagnosed with refractive errors, setting the prevalence at 15%. 437 students and teachers received quality subsidized eyeglasses, while children with other eye problems were referred to the Ho Chi Minh Eye Hospital for further examination;
  • In order to raise awareness of eye health throughout the community, communication activities were also conducted. An eyeglass distribution ceremony was held at Chu Van An College in Thuan Chau District in December 2018 with more than 300 students, teachers and local authorities in attendance. A painting competition at school and then at district level was held in November and early December 2018. Finally, 23 posters and 319 decals were designed and distributed to schools and Son La Eye Hospital. Similar activities were deployed the following year in Tra Vinh, with a painting competition implemented at the schools in November and December 2019, while a provincial painting competition took place in January 2020 with 18 students, teachers, and local authorities in attendance. Furthermore, 18 posters were designed and distributed to schools and Tra Vinh CDC to promote ChildSight® and deliver educational messages about basic eye care to maintain good vision. Other planned communication events were canceled due to COVID-19.
  • In 2018-2019, visual acuity screening equipment was provided to Son La Eye Hospital and its optical store upgraded. HKI and Mécénat Servier provided the eyeglass display cases while the hospital renovated the store with government funding. In addition, Son La Eye Hospital contributes to the financing of additional facilities such as equipment, furniture, consumables, electricity and water bills, demonstrating its commitment to the efficiency and sustainability of the project.
  • In 2019-2020, visual acuity screening equipment was provided to the Tra Vinh CDC and the optic shop established with HKI and Mécénat Servier providing eyeglass display cases and the government contributing all other expenses.
  • Finally, on April 13th 2020, Servier representatives donated hand wash gel, soaps, etc. to the Tra Vinh CDC to help them in their response to COVID-19 in the province.
Geographic Reach
  • Western Pacific
See Where
Disease Area
  • Women’s and Child Health
See Disease Areas
Target Population
  • Youth
  • People with low incomes
  • Rural populations
  • Children
Partner organizations
Local NGOs
Helen Keller

Helen Keller International organizes and conducts vision screenings with eyesight professionals. Provides quality subsidized/free eyeglasses; counselling and support for referral to a long term doctor; follow-up checking.

Pharma Company Foundation

On Servier's side, the project was developed with its Foundation, Mécénat Servier. Mécénat Servier organized skills-based sponsorship on specific missions with Servier's local subsidiary in Vietnam.

Provincial Department of

The governmental partners helped to establish the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders, as well as evaluate the project.

Hospitals Health Facilities
Son La Eye

The hospital provided equipment and staff to conduct the project. 5 members of staff (2 ophthalmologists, 1 ophthalmology nurse, 1 ophthalmology laboratory technician and 1 orthotist) were trained in vision screening and pediatric eye care.

Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology

Ho Chi Minh Eye Hospital

Tra Vinh Center for Disease Control (CDC)