
Collaboration Helps Broaden Access to Pfizers Contraceptive, Sayana Press

Broadening access to Pfizer’s all-in-one injectable contraceptive, Sayana® Press (medroxyprogesterone acetate), for women most in need in some of the world’s poorest countries.
Bilateral development organizations 2
Private Foundation or Development Organization 2
Technology 1
Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals 1

To help broaden access to Pfizer’s all-in-one injectable contraceptive, Sayana® Press (medroxyprogesterone acetate), for women most in need in some of the world’s poorest countries.

The unmet need for contraception remains high. An estimated 214 million women in developing countries would like to delay or prevent pregnancy but are not using modern contraceptive method Common reasons for this include:

  • Limited access to contraception, particularly among young people, poorer segments of populations, or unmarried people
  • Cultural or religious opposition
  • Poor quality of available services
  • Users and providers bias
  • Gender-based barriers (i)

(i)… Accessed:  March 11th 2019.

Sayana Press combines a longer-acting, reversible contraceptive. This all-in-one prefilled, single- use, auto-disable system eliminates the need to prepare a needle and syringe. It also allows the contraceptive to be administered by a health worker outside of a clinical setting, or it can be self-injected if approved locally and after health care worker instruction.

These public- and private-sector donors and aid organizations play an important role to help ensure that women in the world’s poorest countries have access to a full range of contraceptive options. At the country level, the organizations also work with local governments with the goal of including modern contraceptives in reproductive health plans and budgets, coordinating health-worker trainings to improve quality counselling and services, and raising awareness about the availability of a variety of modern contraceptive options

Results and milestones

Between 2014 and 2022, more than 95 million units of Sayana Press were shipped to more than 40 developing world countries, potentially reaching more than 24 million women – up from 350,000 women at the end of 2014(ii).

[ii] Data on file at Pfizer Inc. Where a woman is assumed to have used 4 doses of the total units shipped in 2014; where each woman is assumed to have used 4 doses of the total number shipped (2014-2022).

Geographic Reach
  • Global Commitment
Disease Area
  • Women’s and Child Health
See Disease Areas
Target Population
  • Women
Partner organizations
Bilateral development organizations

UK Department for International Development (DFID)

US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Private Foundation or Development Organization

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Childrens Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)


BD (Becton Dickinson)

Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals