ACTIVE SINCE: 2023-2026

Supporting cardiometabolic care in low- and middle-income countries (Vietnam, Kenya, and Tanzania)

For people living with cardiometabolic disease in LMICs, services for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and referral are inadequate or unavailable at PHC facilities and in the community. In response to the challenges facing CMD care in LMICs, the program will implement a person-centered PHC model as a comprehensive systems-based approach.
Financial support Therapeutic area knowledge contributions
Global NGOs 1

Across the four countries (1 yet to be announced):
•  Building capacity at 98 health facilities to screen, diagnose, and manage CMDs
•  Training 225 HCWs to support CMD care
•  Training 460 CHWs to support linkages, support, and treatment adherence.
•  Reaching an estimated 530,000 people with CMD information and awareness, screening 320,000 adults and linking those needing care
•  Training 60 personnel involved in health facility supply management (Vietnam +1)
•  Providing basic equipment for screening for blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and lipid profile tests

For people living with cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) in LMICs, services for screening, diagnosis, treatment, and referral are inadequate or unavailable at primary health care facilities and in the community. Health system responsiveness to noncommunicable diseases, including CMDs, is weakened by service delivery oriented to acute care and inadequate financing, infrastructure, and human resources.

In response to the challenges facing CMD care in low- and middle-income countries, the program will implement a person-centered primary health care model as a comprehensive systems-based approach featuring high-touch/high-tech interventions to increase retention and adherence to care. The interventions will focus on building capacity within the health system and community to support CMD care, awareness raising and demand generation, self-care and self-management support, and support for families and caregivers.  The project will prioritize partnerships with Ministries of Health and broader country stakeholders to ensure early program adoption and involvement throughout the project cycle, to support sustainability.

Geographic Reach
Disease Area
  • Non-communicable diseases
See Disease Areas
Target Population
Partner organizations
Global NGOs

Implementation of all elements (international and local staff) Engagement with local MOH