ACTIVE BETWEEN: 2017 - 2021

Takeda and Plan International, Strengthening holistic support for refugees from South Sudan and Syria

This multi-country Global CSR Program partnership focuses on ensuring that refugees from South Sudan and Syria can lead a healthy life with dignity through support on nutrition, maternal and childcare, and safe water and sanitation in 7 countries.
Global NGOs 1

To ensure a healthy life with dignity through support with nutrition, maternal and child care and safe water and sanitation.

A combination of civil war, economic collapse and drought have pushed parts of the South Sudan into deadly famine and displaced millions of people. Since 2011, the people of Syria have also been living in a state of conflict, forcing them to seek refuge in neighboring countries. The ongoing violence in both South Sudan and Syria separated children from their families and destroyed communities, leaving children and mothers acutely malnourished and at the risk of death.

Over the past five years, Plan International has undertaken several environmental sanitation initiatives to help enable refugees to take disease-prevention measures. One of these centered around the importance of latrines. Access to sanitation and the use of hygienic toilets (instead of defecating outdoors) reduces the number of disease-carrying pests such as flies and prevents contamination of drinking water. This reduces the incidents of diarrhea and malnutrition, which is critical to the survival of children. (According to Tropical Medicine and Health, diarrhea is the second leading cause of child morbidity and mortality worldwide and is responsible for more than 90% of deaths in children under 5 in low and middle income-countries).

Results and milestones

Through our five-year Global CSR Program partnership with Plan International, positive health behaviors and access to essential services increased amongst South Sudanese and Syrian refugees and their host communities across seven countries*. As a result, more people are taking healthier actions and receiving essential services as shown below comparing 2018 and 2023.
– 28% decrease in malnourished children under 5 (Uganda)
– 10% increase in pregnant women whose deliveries are attended by a skilled birth attendant
– 43% increase in young people seeking professional SRHR advice (Egypt)
– 26% increase in households with access to safe drinking water
– 35% increase in household use of latrines
– 504,728 total direct beneficiaries by this program

(From Plan International’s Voluntary Project Evaluation Survey data. *South Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan)

Geographic Reach
  • Africa
  • Eastern Mediterranean
See Where
Disease Area
Target Population
  • Other
Partner organizations
Global NGOs

Plan International