

Powered by an insight-driven platform and supported by an established network of Community Healthcare Worker Agents, reach52 partners with businesses, governments, and social organizations to deliver targeted, scalable, and data-driven health campaigns across low-and-middle income countries.
Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals 3
Local NGOs 5
Technology 5
Pharma Company Foundation 1
Pharma (non-IFPMA member) 1
Other Business Sector 3
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) 1
Life Sciences 1
Global NGOs 3
  • Improve access to essential health services for the 52% of the world that has no or poor access to healthcare.
  • Address unmet health needs in emerging markets by establishing repeatable and scalable health services.
  • Empower rural communities by engaging local health workers and sustainably improving access to care.

52% of the world still can’t access essential health services. Typically, these are individuals living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where resource constraints can limit availability to skilled health workers, diagnostics, medicines, vaccinations, and health insurance. The result is increased morbidity, mortality, and lost opportunity – for the communities, but also for the world. There are billions of people in emerging health markets with needs for products and services that aren’t being met.

In response, reach52 has developed an innovative, human-powered, data-driven model of care. Using their offline-first mHealth platform, ‘reach52 access’, they enable a full range of accessible health services in underserved markets. Networks of Community Health Workers are upskilled and equipped to become ‘reach52 Agents’, in partnership with governments and public health providers. reach52 also partners with private sector (pharma, MedTech, consumer health and financial services), who fund a range of impact-oriented services (patient and customer engagement, access and supply chain, health and medical services, and data and insights) in hard-to-reach communities. Finally, reach52 also collaborates with multilaterals and civil society organizations, leveraging their platform to establish repeatable, scalable health services across LMICs.

As a sustainable social business model, reach52 implements in underserved rural communities where incomes are typically lower than national averages. They focus on households in the ‘missing middle’, who are often excluded from government social protection schemes, yet still face significant barriers. These households are typically living a significant distance from existing health and financial services, such as clinics, pharmacies, and MFI branches, creating additional geographic access challenges as well.

reach52 works across six countries, with diverse expertise in healthcare, tech, data insights, community engagement, social services, and strategy. reach52 is headquartered in Singapore and supports global partners through teams and health workers on-the-ground in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Kenya, and South Africa.

“We build an end-to-end health access platform, connecting global and regional businesses and partners to rural communities, creating access for all. We know that the only way this could work is to create a win-win-win solution for all – for underserved populations, for global businesses and funders and for local governments and health systems.”
Edward Booty
CEO, reach52
“This is a big help for us and to our community. Because through us Agents, we can deliver health services like blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring, so that they know their health status. And if ever they have high blood pressure or high blood sugar result, I can refer them to get a consultation at our Rural Health Unit.”
Nora Dellamo
reach52 Agent from Maalan, Maayon, Philippines
“I am so happy to get my height, weight, blood pressure and blood sugar readings, as well as speak to a doctor. Usually, it is hard to get these different services and it costs a lot. After I joined the SAKAM project, I feel more healthy with regular medication and eat less fried food.”
Chea Chan
Resident from Thlok Kambot Village, Prasat Bakong, Cambodia
Results and milestones
  • Beginning in 2020, reach52 partnered with Biocon Biologics to bring affordable quality insulin to the Philippines, supporting Biocon’s commitment to make recombinant human insulin available for less than 10 US cents in LMICs. After the 6-month program, 62% of participants had controlled their HbA1c levels.
  • reach52 has been partnering with Johnson & Johnson to upskill Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the Philippines and Indonesia to become reach52 Agents, allowing them to use mHealth tools across a range of disease areas, including NCDs. To date, 11,925 Agents have been trained, and 312,990 engagements with residents have been facilitated. Following upskilling, 83% of Agents demonstrated improved knowledge on NCDs.
  • In 2020, reach52 partnered with Medtronic Labs to launch a digital health subscription model catered toward diabetes and hypertension care for rural populations in the Philippines. By the end of the campaign, 89% of enrollees had controlled their systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • In 2021, reach52 partnered with Pfizer Foundation on a dengue prevention and awareness campaign, with the goal of upskilling community health workers in the Philippines and Cambodia. The campaign successfully trained 2,914 Agents and impacted 226,152 residents.
  • In 2021, reach52 partnered with Unilever in Kenya and India, focusing on WASH, nutrition, and oral care awareness, including a product access component. They are on track to meet the target of 160,000 resident engagements.
  • In 2022, reach52 partnered with Sanofi and Medtronic Labs, providing screening, health education, regular testing, and affordable medicines to residents with hypertension and/or diabetes living in rural Cambodia. Preliminary analysis indicates a 65% reduction in the number of participants with stage-2 hypertension after three months of enrollment, compared to baseline.
  • In 2022, reach52 partnered with Bayer to improve access to nutrition in Kenya and South Africa. Their goal is to engage 254,000 residents and train 1,600 reach52 Agents. reach52 has since extended its partnership with Bayer into the Philippines for pain management awareness.
Geographic Reach
  • Africa
  • South-East Asia
  • Western Pacific
See Where
Disease Area
  • Infectious and Parasitic Disease
  • Non-communicable diseases
See Disease Areas
Target Population
  • Rural populations
Partner organizations
Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)



Local NGOs

Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET)

Caritas Murang’a

Best Health Solutions

Innovo Mobile Healthcare

Penabulu Foundation



Medtronic Labs

MX Labs



Pharma Company Foundation

The Pfizer Foundation

Pharma (non-IFPMA member)


Other Business Sector

IQVIA (formerly Quintiles)


Essilor International

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)


Life Sciences

LivFul, Inc.

Global NGOs

Latter-Day Saint Charities

Save the Children

Grand Challenges Canada

Additional resources