

Acting as the interface between pharmaceutical companies and humanitarian organisations that work with populations in distress, making available new medicines in the form of kits that are ready for use and adapted to emergency situations such as natural disasters or conflicts.
Local NGOs 1
Pharma Company Foundation 2
Generic Manufacturers 1
Pharma (non-IFPMA member) 1

Recipient bodies (International health NGOs) go out in the field, equipped with Tulipe kits, in order to carry out their humanitarian missions in total autonomy.

To ensure the effective use of donations, Tulipe also undertakes two related activities: training in the correct use of health products and audit missions in the field.

With a view to good management of resources, any kits that are not used in emergency missions can be reallocated to other aid programmes. In these specific cases, they are donated to duly selected French organisations that commit to respecting a set of requirements as defined by Tulipe.

Tulipe is an organisation set up by LEEM in 1982 that federate donations made by pharmaceutical companies to provide an emergency response to the needs of populations in distress as a result of acute health crises, natural disasters or conflicts.

Acting as the interface between pharmaceutical companies and humanitarian organisations that work with populations in distress, Tulipe makes available new medicines in the form of kits that are ready for use and adapted to emergency situations such as natural disasters or conflicts. Those kits can be provided in a very short time frame and are adapted to all needs in the field.

Tulipe is:

  • A non-profit organisation with public interest status under French law, it pools donations made by healthcare companies
  • A partner for NGOs specialised in emergency health aid
  • A supplier of emergency kits of medicines and medical supplies
  • A rapid response that is adapted to the needs of populations in distress during acute health crises, natural disasters or armed conflicts
  • A humanitarian pharmaceutical establishment under French law, a status that is a prerequisite to the possession, handling and export of medicines
Results and milestones

Key figures 2018:

  • Around 90% of the donations are made for Africa and Middle east
  • 3 permanent staff, 30 volunteers
  • 8 403 268 euros in donations from 44 members pharmaceutical companies
  • 500 Kits distributed (the equivalent of approximately 25 tonnes of medicines) and 9.6 tonnes of bulk medicines distributed.
  • 21 countries of intervention


Amgen is a former partner of this initiative.

Geographic Reach
  • Global Commitment
Disease Area
  • Women’s and Child Health
  • Non-communicable diseases
See Disease Areas
Target Population
  • Children
  • Youth
  • Women
  • Men
  • Elderly
  • People with low incomes
  • Marginalized/indigenous people
  • Rural populations
  • Other
Partner organizations
Local NGOs

Association of Charitable Foundations

Pharma Company Foundation

My Child Matters Sanofi Espoir Foundation

GSK Foundation

Generic Manufacturers


Pharma (non-IFPMA member)


Additional resources