Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
The innovative pharmaceutical industry has a direct role to play in SDG 3 by addressing persistent challenges and preventing early death and disability.
Health is essential for sustainable development. Through collaborative action, we have made great progress in alleviating the burden of some of the deadliest diseases across the globe. It is critical to continue to accelerate this progress while responding to emerging health challenges.
85 diseases
are targeted by our different collaborations
The 3 main disease areas we are collaborating on are:
85 collaborations
52 collaborations
Cardiovascular diseases
37 collaborations
Reduce maternal mortality, end preventable deaths of newborns, and reduce under 5 mortality
Our collaborations support SDG 3.1 and SDG 3.2 by addressing the unique challenges women and children face in accessing healthcare, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

of our collaborations target women and children
We are working in several areas supporting women’s and children’s health, including:
collaborations working on family planning, sexual and reproductive health
collaborations working on childhood vaccinations
collaborations working on malnutrition
End the epidemics of AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB), Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), and other communicable diseases
In support of SDG 3.3, the innovative pharmaceutical industry aims to end these epidemics by creating global strategies and coalitions for mobilizing action.
Dr Lucica Ditiu
“Research and development of new tools are needed to end TB. But for impact, these tools need to be accessed by poorer nations where TB is concentrated. Industry plays a crucial role in the research and development of new tools and in ensuring that people in need will benefit from these tools by contributing to the removal of access and affordability barriers.”
Communicable diseases
Breakthrough interventions, such as safe and effective vaccines, have led to remarkable progress in reducing mortality from communicable diseases over the past 50 years. However, today 20% of all deaths are still due to communicable diseases.
In support of SDG 3.3, the innovative pharmaceutical industry aims to end these epidemics by creating global strategies and coalitions for mobilizing action against ending the AIDS epidemic, coordinating TB investments, and catalyzing action across governments and partners to eradicate malaria.
of our collaborations are working in HIV, TB, and malaria
are partnering with global NGOs
are partnering with academia or research institutes
The top 3 countries they are working in are:
12 collaborations
South Africa
11 collaborations
11 collaborations
Neglected tropical diseases
NTDs affect more than 1 billion of the poorest and most marginalized people globally. One in seven people suffer from an NTD 5, despite often ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat these diseases are known.
Collaborations, such as the Kigali Declaration on NTDs bring together public, private and civil society actors to improve access to treatments, build capacity, and advocate for supporting policies. As part of our contribution, the innovative pharmaceutical industry is working to distribute 14 billion treatments by 2020, forming the world’s largest medicine donation to date.
of our collaborations target NTDs
3 main NTDs we are collaborating on are:
Chagas Disease
11 collaborations
Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)
5 collaborations
Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis
4 collaborations
Reduce premature mortality from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) by one third, through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
In support of SDG 3.4, the innovative pharmaceutical industry is collaborating with countries, civil society, multilateral institutions, and NGOs to work across sectors, drive local programs, and advocate to help improve the well-being of those living with chronic diseases.
of our collaborations target NCDs
The 3 main NCDs we are collaborating on are:
85 collaborations
52 collaborations
Cardiovascular diseases
37 collaborations
The top 3 countries they are working in are:
35 collaborations
25 collaborations
25 collaborations
Dr Hajime Inoue
“Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a complex issue that challenge the very limits of health systems around the world. Progress on NCDs relies on achieving UHC. Meaningful progress cannot happen in a silo. Addressing UHC and NCDs means engaging in deep collaboration and conversations across all sectors – public, private, and civil society.”
Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services, and access to safe, effective, quality, and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.
The innovative pharmaceutical industry’s collective efforts – almost 300 collaborations across over 1100 partners – are dedicated to accelerating UHC so that no one is left behind.
Helga Fogstad
“Primary health care is fundamental to delivering essential maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services, and represents the cornerstone of Universal Health Coverage. Public private partnerships and leadership of the pharmaceutical industry are critical to accelerate progress towards UHC by ensuring that innovative health technologies and services benefit all populations, including the most vulnerable communities.”
Explore our collaborations supporting SDG 3
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
SDG 17 is core to our approach. We work across sectors to develop and adopt creative solutions to improve health and well-being globally.
Partnership is crucial to deliver on progress, strengthen implementation, and develop innovative approaches. Our collaborations are dynamic and evolving, spanning sectors, industries, geographies, and diseases.
The top 3 types of partners we collaborate with are:
Global NGOs
113 collaborations
Other Business
73 collaborations
Academia or research institute
71 collaborations
The 3 partners we collaborate with most often are:
World Health Organization (WHO)
22 collaborations
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
19 collaborations
Direct Relief
13 collaborations
Our programs are collaborative, wide-ranging, and long-term
include collaborations between multiple IFPMA member companies
of our programs include a collaboration with more than one partner type
Many of our collaborations include other private sector partners and work to foster local ownership
of our programs are working with other private sector businesses
of our programs include a government or local NGOs partner
Explore our collaborations supporting SDG 17
Achieve gender equality and empower all women
The innovative pharmaceutical industry has a clear role to play in SDG 5 supporting women healthcare professionals globally.
Women are the backbone of healthcare delivery and, in many countries, make up over 75% of the healthcare workforce. However, they are often concentrated in low status health occupations and are a minority among trained health professionals.
of our collaborations support SDG 5
of our collaborations target women
of our collaborations included a health workforce capacity building element
Martha Clara Nakato
“There are still many missed opportunities to streamline and amplify our actions for populations that continue to be left behind, such as adolescent girls and young women in their respective diversities. Partnerships are critical for maximizing investment in initiatives that address these challenges.”
Explore our collaborations supporting SDG 5
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
As an industry devoted to inventing, manufacturing, and delivering medicines that enable people to live longer, healthier and more productive lives, SDG 9 defines the core of what we do.
SDG 9 is critical for economic development, social stability, and our ability to meet future challenges in health. We work collaboratively to support economic growth and strengthen local technological capabilities. We invest in infrastructure and capacity building, run clinical trials that help local economies to grow, and share technical expertise to develop, manufacture, register, and distribute medicines and vaccines to more people.
In addition, we employ almost 3 million people worldwide and continue to strengthen workforces in support of economic stability, through training and job creation.
of our collaborations support SDG 9
focus on research and development (R&D)
focus on building infrastructure and developing technology
focus on manufacturing and strengthening supply
Explore our collaborations supporting SDG 9
Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG 10 is our opportunity to support poor, marginalized, and indigenous communities as well as hard to reach remote and rural populations.
Approximately 99% of maternal deaths, 95% of deaths from TB, and 87% of premature deaths due to NCDs occur in LMICs.
of our collaborations support SDG 10
target marginalized/indigenous populations
target people with low incomes
target rural people
Thomas Cueni
“The innovative pharmaceutical industry plays a unique role within the private sector to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its past, present, and future medical innovations, combined with pathways to ensure access, bring hope and solutions to improving health around the world. Now, more than ever, coordinated, inclusive, and multistakeholder action is needed to drive innovative solutions to health, social, economic, and environmental challenges.”
Explore our collaborations supporting SDG 10
Action on climate-related SDGs
Innovative pharmaceutical companies are also dedicated to addressing environment-related SDGs, including SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation, SDG 12 on responsible production and consumption, and SDG 13 on climate action.
Companies are working on initiatives to reduce carbon emissions across their own operations and value chains, invest in renewable electricity and energy efficiency measures, recycle and cut water use, as well as work on bespoke projects that will positively impact the environment.