
#VaccinesForLife #TeamVaccines

Launched in April 2022 as part of IFPMA's #TeamVaccines global digital campaign, #VaccinesForLife highlights the value of vaccines at every age and stage of life.
Created and developed #VaccinesForLife campaign which was shared by over 50 IFPMA member companies and associations
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Many IFPMA member companies helped promote #VaccinesForLife both internally among employees and senior leaders and externally across social media platforms
Global NGOs 15
Professional and Trade Associations 7
Other Business Sector 1
Local NGOs 4
Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals 2
Product Development Partnerships 2
Private Foundation or Development Organization 1
  • Explain the benefits that vaccines can provide to people at all ages and stages of life. This includes routine vaccinations in childhood, and vaccines to protect teens, adults, and older people from serious diseases and infections.
  • Highlight what vaccines have achieved and the positive impact they have on our world. Vaccines help save millions of lives every year around the world. They help prevent diseases like measles, flu, and Ebola. They are even eliminating diseases completely.
  • Champion the continued development of innovative new vaccines and vaccine technology, and vaccines’ potential to respond to global health threats.

Following on from #TeamVaccines in 2021 which focused on building trust and confidence specifically in the new COVID-19 vaccines, #VaccinesForLife builds on heightened global vaccine awareness to explain and highlight the benefits of all vaccines – past, present and future – at every age and stage of life.

In April 2022 during World Immunization Week, #VaccinesForLife spotlights the positive impact of vaccines on the world, explains the benefits of vaccines at every age and stage of life, and champions their future potential to save even more lives.

The campaign features an emotive hero film features the everyday moments, big and small, that we’ve gained thanks to vaccines. One of the most amazing things about vaccines are the things they prevent and avert – the things that didn’t happen. This film shows people all over the world, of all ages, enjoying life, while a voiceover reminds us, thanks to vaccines, what we’ll never have to see.

The messages in the main film are reinforced by a series of six industry volunteer films, featuring real employees from IFPMA member companies talking about HPV, HIV, malaria, AMR, Ebola and RSV and explaining their personal motivations for helping the world benefit from vaccines. Alongside these films a series of animated social posts discuss vaccine innovation in the areas of COVID-19, flu, cervical cancer, dengue, AMR and pneumonia and 12 website stories provide more information on vaccines and the hope they offer.

A second phase of this campaign launched in September 2022 focuses specifically on life-course immunization and the importance of vaccines at every age and stage of life of vaccines. In a series of eight short films, we hear from a father, a young child, a teenager’s mother, a pregnant woman, a young traveller, a chronically ill patient, a grandmother and a healthcare professional. They all remind us that vaccines don’t just protect against infectious diseases, they also protect special memories and important moments in our lives and those of our families, whatever our age or stage of life.

Results and milestones

April 2022: Launch of #VaccinesForLife Phase 1

Oct 2022: Launch of Phase 2 #VaccinesForLife

By November 2022, Phase 1 and 2 of #VaccinesForLIfe generated >40 million impressions, >16 million paid video views and close to 4 million social media engagements.

Moreover, over 55 stakeholders from global health, vaccine, LCI, groups representing different age groups and diseases helped amplify the campaign across their digital channels.

Additionally IFPMA member company and associations helped amplify the campaign across the biopharmceutical industrry with 22 associations adopting elements of the campaign directly on their digital channels.

Geographic Reach
  • Global Commitment
Disease Area
  • Infectious and Parasitic Disease
See Disease Areas
Target Population
  • Children
  • Elderly
  • Youth
  • Women
  • Men
  • People with low incomes
  • Marginalized/indigenous people
  • Rural populations
Partner organizations
Global NGOs

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels


Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Together Against

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Vaccines Confidence

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Women Political

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Amref Health

Helped amplify the campaign across their own digital channels

Task Force for Global

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Union for International Cancer Control

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

World Heart

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from jean Luc Eisele, President

Speak Up

Engaged with campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

Global Coalition on Ageing

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Michael Hodin, CEO and continued engagement with and support for the campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

International Federation of Ageing

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Jane Barrat, Secretary General and continued engagement with and support for the campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

European Patients

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

World Federation of Public Health Associations

Early endorsement of the #TeamVaccines objective by providing a quote from Michael Moore, Chair WFPHA International Immunisation Policy taskforce

International Paediatric

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Professional and Trade Associations
International Pharmaceutical Federation

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Dr Catherine Duggan, CEO and continued engagement with and support for the campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

Coalition for lifecourse immunisation

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Dr Daphen Holt, Chair

Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

AMR Industry

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

International Council of Nurses

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

World Medical Association

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Dr Heidi Stensmyren, President and continued engagement with and support for the campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

International Hospital Federation

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Ronald Lavater, CEO and continued engagement with and support for the campaign on own social media channels reaching a broader audience

Other Business Sector

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Local NGOs
Asia Pacific Alliance for the Control of Influenza

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

European Health Management Association

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

International Longevity Centre UK

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

European Vaccine

Helped amplify the campaign across their own digital channels

Intergovernmental Organizations and Multilaterals
World Health Organization

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz, MSc, PhD Technical Officer & Project Manager, Vaccine Product & Delivery Research Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) World Health Organization (WHO)

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a quote from Dr Melanie Saville, Executive Director

Product Development Partnerships
Medicines for Malaria Venture

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels

Private Foundation or Development Organization
European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants

Early endorsement of the #VaccinesForLife objective by providing a supporting campaign quote and campaign amplification across their digital channels